Planning to Protect the Florida Wildlife Corridor 2.0 What’s sprawl got to do with it?

Planning to Protect the Florida Wildlife Corridor 2.0
What’s sprawl got to do with it?

January 22, 2025

Good urban policy is essential for good rural policy. If Florida’s urban footprint is more compact, more land is left for nature and agriculture. What planning strategies can assist with limiting sprawl? Dr. Jay H. Exum, Exum Associates, discussed how sprawl and fragmentation threatened Florida’s lands and waters. Mari (Missy) K. Daniels, AICP, CPM, Assistant County Manager, covered Alachua County’s Urban Cluster designation in its Future Land Use Map. Commissioner Sean Parks addressed efforts in Lake County to integrate land conservation into community planning efforts. This was the first of four Spring 2025 webinars on Planning to Protect the Florida Wildlife Corridor by the University of Florida Center for Landscape Conservation Planning and 1000 Friends of Florida.

This event was approved for the following professional certification credits for those who attended the live webinar:  American Institute of Certified Planners (2.0 AICP CM #9297094), Florida Bar (2.5 General Intermediate, 2409711N), Certified Floodplain Managers (1 CEC),  Florida Environmental Health Professionals (DOH 2.0 Contact Hours or 0.20 CEUS), and Florida Landscape Architects (2.0 DBPR Credits #0014569)