Protecting Water Quality and Improving Communities Through Better Land-Use Patterns.

Properly managed, growth holds the promise of broad benefits for the region and its residents. But it also presents challenges — especially if it is not planned for thoughtfully.

Pensacola and Perdido Bay Watershed/The Nature Conservancy

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Check out our April 23 presentation here

Video courtesy of Studio 850 News

Residents were invited to learn more about these critical issues in a presentation at the downtown Pensacola Public Library on April 23rd. 1000 Friends President Paul Owens shared two scenarios for growth and development in 2040 for the two counties, as compiled by experts at the University of Florida’s Center for Landscape Conservation Planning. These scenarios project significant differences in impact on land use and water quality if (1) the counties continue to follow their current patterns for growth and development or (2) they grow in more compact, sustainable patterns and protect high-priority natural and agricultural lands from development. Owens also shared ideas for policies to promote more sustainable development suggested by knowledgeable leaders and planning professionals from Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. Escambia and Santa Rosa counties are projected to add tens of thousands of new residents in the next couple of decades. This population growth will impact land use and water quality in the two counties.

In a virtual event on October 14, 2024 1000 Friends President Paul Owens shared research from 1000 Friends and the UF Center for Landscape Conservation Planning, offering lessons for Gulf Coast communities looking for ways to protect local waterways and build better communities. View the presentation here.


Escambia/Santa Rosa 2040: Status Quo Vs. Sustainable 2040 Trend

Escambia/Santa Rosa 2040: Status Quo Vs. Sustainable 2040 Alternative

A Closer Look at Pensacola 2040 Trend

A Closer Look at Pensacola 2040 Alternative 

A Closer Look at Milton 2040 Trend


A Closer Look at Milton 2040 Alt


Existing Protected and Priority Conservation with Natural Forest/Silviculture 


Water Quality & Storage

This project was supported by funding from the Pensacola and Perdido Bays Estuary Program’s Community Grant Program. Its content does not necessarily represent the official views of the Estuary Program.