Governor Bob Graham’s Planning Legacy

Governor Bob Graham’s Planning Legacy

September 25, 2024

Late Florida Governor and U.S. Senator Bob Graham made a significant impact on the state’s comprehensive planning policy framework, which had notable ramifications for statewide and local environmental protection policies. His administration emphasized growth management and environmental stewardship, leading to several key developments like the passage of the Growth Management Act of 1985, the creation of the Department of Community Affairs, the integration of infrastructure concurrency in the planning process, and the requirement for local plans to identify and protect environmentally sensitive areas to preserve Florida’s natural resources. 1000 Friends of Florida’s Board of Directors members, Victoria Tschinkel and Jake Varn, along with our first Executive Director, Jim Murley, and former board member Bob Rhodes discussed Governor Graham’s signature impact on Florida’s framework for managing growth. We honor Governor Graham’s legacy and immense impact on the state’s community planning system by remembering the circumstances and willpower during his administration’s leadership that led to Florida’s comprehensive planning policy.

This event has been approved for the following professionals who attended the live event: planners (1.5 AICP CM # 9297551), and Florida attorneys (1.5 General CLE, #2409958N).