Florida’s Rising Seas: Sea Level 2040 and Sea Level 2070
Population growth and sea level rise promise to be the two defining drivers of how and where Florida develops over the 21st century. In recognition of this, the University of Florida Center for Landscape Conservation Planning and 1000 Friends of Florida have partnered on a major new study, Florida’s Rising Seas: Mapping our future. Building on earlier studies, Florida’s Rising Seas focus on Sea Level 2040 and Sea Level 2070, each of which provides GIS-based analyses of how Florida could accommodate its growing population on diminishing lands over the coming decades, and the impacts more compact patterns of development, increased land conservation, and other state and community planning actions will have on our natural, agricultural, and other lands. This project is geared to state and local leaders, professionals, and concerned citizens. University of Florida Center for Landscape Conservation Planning representatives include Associate Director Michael Volk, Development and Land Use Analyst Dr. Daniel Farrah, and Director Dr. Tom Hoctor. 1000 Friends of Florida is represented by President Paul Owens and Communications Director Vivian Young, AICP.