Sea Level 2040
Sea Level 2040 reflects the impacts of sea level rise on Florida’s lands and land use over the next two decades and includes two future scenarios:
Sprawl 2040 assumes 2019 densities and patterns of development will continue over the next two decades and also factors in the impacts of sea level rise on Florida’s lands and the resulting need for population relocation.
Conservation 2040 accounts for the same population growth and sea level rise by 2040, but also emphasizes protection of much of the state’s highest priority lands for conservation and assumes that any new development will be 30% more compact.
Under the Sprawl Scenario by 2040 Florida is projected to have:
- 4.9 million more residents, a 23% increase over 2019
- Almost 1 million acres lost to sea level rise
- More than 200,000 residents needing to relocate
But with more sustainable development patterns and conservation of priority natural lands, Conservation 2040 could result in:
- More than 5 million more acres of protected natural land
- Almost 2.4 million more acres of protected agricultural land
- 272,000 fewer acres of developed land
Statewide Scenarios 2040
Statewide Baseline
Statewide 2040 Sprawl
Statewide 2040 Conservation
Panhandle Scenarios 2040
Panhandle Baseline
Panhandle 2040 Sprawl
Panhandle 2040 Conservation
Northeast Scenarios 2040
Northeast Baseline
Northeast 2040 Sprawl
Northeast 2040 Conservation
Central Scenarios 2040
Central Baseline
Central 2040 Sprawl
Central 2040 Conservation
South Scenarios 2040
South Baseline
South 2040 Sprawl
South 2040 Conservation
Sea Level 2070
Sea Level 2070 also reflects the impacts of sea level rise on Florida’s lands and land use over the coming decades and includes two future scenarios:
Sprawl 2070 assumes 2010 densities and patterns of development will continue over the next five decades and also factors in the impacts of sea level rise on Florida’s lands and the resulting need for population relocation.
Conservation 2070 accounts for the same population growth and sea level rise by 2070, but also emphasizes protection of much of the state’s highest priority lands for conservation and assumes that any new development will be 20% more compact.
Under the Sprawl Scenario, by 2070 Florida is projected to have:
- 12.2 million more residents, a 57% increase over 2019
- Almost 1.7 million acres lost to sea level rise
- Almost 1 million residents needing to relocate
But with more sustainable development patterns and significant land conservation, Conservation 2070 could result in:
- Almost 1.3 million fewer acres of developed land
- More than 5 million more acres of protected natural land
- Almost 2.3 million more acres of protected agricultural land
Statewide Scenarios 2070
Statewide Baseline
Statewide 2070 Sprawl
Statewide 2070 Conservation
Panhandle Scenarios 2070
Panhandle Baseline
Panhandle 2070 Sprawl
Panhandle 2070 Conservation
Northeast Scenarios 2070
Northeast Baseline
Northeast 2070 Sprawl
Northeast 2070 Conservation
Central Scenarios 2070
Central Baseline
Central 2070 Sprawl
Central 2070 Conservation
South Scenarios 2070
South Baseline
South 2070 Sprawl
South 2070 Conservation